Recycling & Sustainability News
Learn about the social and environmental impacts of recycling while staying updated on the latest news about our Recycling Ambassadors, drop-off locations, rewards, and sustainability trends.
New Year Resolutions For Giving Back
Celebrations vary across different cultures and communities, but one common theme that rings true is the spirit of giving back. It is a time when people reflect on their blessings and extend a helping hand to those in need.
Tisha Talks: Elaine Birks-Mitchell Share’s insights to the world of social entrepreneurship
Elaine shares the challenges faced, including the prevailing mindset that doing good must be cost-free.
SEA PODCAST: CEO Elaine Birks-Mitchell Discusses Challenges in Social Entrepreneurship in The Circular Economy
Founder and CEO of The Bra Recyclers, Elaine Birks-Mitchell, shares a rare behind-the-scenes look into why bra recycling is so important on the Social Enterprise Alliance's latest podcast episode.
The Bra Recyclers Receives Achievement of BBB4Good Verification
Only some companies are eligible for BBB Accreditation and BBB4Good Verification, so we are incredibly proud of our impact.
Causes of Homelessness for Men
Homelessness is a complex issue that affects individuals from various walks of life. While it impacts both men and women, the causes of homelessness for men can differ in some significant ways.